sunnuntai 2. kesäkuuta 2013

Villa Elfvik

 Teimme viime viikonloppuna päiväretken Villa Elfvikiin.Ihastuin humisevaan kaislamereen. T laski vanhan kaatuneen puun renkaita aina 111 asti. Menemme varmasti uudestaankin, luonnon helmaan.

We did a small daytrip one weekend in May. We went to Villa Elfvik. It's a small nature conservatioin area,  here not far from Helsinki. I fell in love with the delicate hum of the bed of reeds. T found a old tree trunk and counted the year circles up until 111 years. I think we'll be going back there again.

ps. can you guess which pair of shoes are mine?!

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